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Estate Planning Services

Last Will and Testament

Let Family Estate Plans be the solution for your Last Will and Testament needs. By combining a fundamental understanding of the big picture with the individual needs of our clients, we tailor  the will to exact requirements. We include a professional executor with all wills prepared to take the stress and worry away from grieving family members.

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Contract Paper Signing

Why do I need to use Trusts?

The use of trusts are an essential part of efficient estate planning. Trusts can form a variety of different functions when planning your estate such as protecting against sideways disinheritance, efficient tax planning, protecting the entitlement to certain means tested benefits and some times helping your beneficiaries receive your legacy much faster.

The Importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) are legal documents that allow nominated persons to act on your behalf if you are unable to act yourself. They provide continuity at times where you have lost mental capacity or are incapable of managing your own affairs. You require one  LPA to manage your property and financial affairs, and a second LPA to deal with your health and welfare.

Business Meeting

Secure Storage

Family Estate Plans offer a comprehensive Secure Storage facility which provides insurance for the documents in storage and protects them from damage. In addition all wills in storage benefit from the option to make annual amendments to the will in storage free of charge.

Estate Planning Services: Practice Areas
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